
How does commercial lawn care differs from residential one?

commercial lawn care

Proper lawn care is very important for maintaining the beauty of the lawn. If the lawn is not maintained regularly then it will become in a bad shape. The grass of the lawn will grow tall, and weeds will start to grow in the lawn, and in the worst-case scenario, the lawn can even witness an infestation of various kinds of insects and other pests.

Hence, to avoid these problems and to make sure that the lawn remains in good shape, many people go for lawn care services. If you need to properly maintain a lawn in a commercial property then you can look out for some commercial lawn care packages.

When you are going for lawn care services, you must make sure that the service you are choosing is commercial and not residential. This is because commercial lawn care can differ significantly from residential one. Some of the key differences between commercial and residential lawn care are as follows:

Difference in equipment 

One of the biggest and most striking differences between commercial and residential lawn care is the type of equipment used. In residential lawn care service, the types of equipment that are being used include residential lawn mowers, leaf sweepers, aerators, lawn edgers, and various other smaller yard tools.

On the other hand, if you hire commercial landscaping and lawn mowing companies in Hammonton then various kinds of heavy-duty equipment and tools will be used. You see, maintaining large commercial properties requires industrial-sized equipment and tools.

Difference in scope 

Since most residential properties are smaller in size and have smaller green spaces with very few big trees, the contracts for lawn care services in residential properties are on a small scale. On the other hand, commercial properties have large garden spaces, and thus they require bigger contracts for lawn care.

Different billing methods 

The billing method of the two types of lawn care service might also differ significantly. Since residential lawns are smaller in size, they require less maintenance, and in most cases, the lawn care companies will charge for a one-time service.

On the other hand, commercial properties have bigger garden space and they also need to make sure that the garden space remains in perfect shape to impress the customers visiting the commercial property. Hence, monthly maintenance is the most effective method of keeping the lawn in good shape. Hence, the commercial lawn care service provider will charge for monthly maintenance.

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