Spring and Fall Cleanups


    Spring and fall cleanups are essential landscaping services that help to maintain the health and appearance of outdoor spaces. During a spring cleanup, debris and dead foliage are removed from the lawn and garden beds, allowing for new growth and preventing disease. Fall cleanups involve removing leaves, twigs, and other debris from the lawn and garden beds to prepare them for winter. These services can also include trimming and pruning of trees and shrubs, as well as lawn aeration and fertilization. Regular spring and fall cleanups can help to promote the growth of healthy plants and a lush lawn, while also keeping the outdoor space looking neat and tidy. Contact a Harris Landscaping and lawn management company, Hammonton, NJ  to schedule your spring and fall cleanups and ensure your outdoor space stays healthy and beautiful year-round.

    Service Features

    • Trim all bushes and shrubs.
    • Trim hanging tree branches at least 8 feet off ground.
    • Weed out all flower beds.
    • Blow all leaves from yard to curb line for township pickup. (Hauling from property available).
    • Pick up all foliage and natural debris from yard and haul.

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